Getting the basics of digitalisation down with webPAS

WebPAS, a widely adopted patient management system by Dedalus, helps simplify and unify health services.
03:15 AM

Photo: Jamie Grill/Getty Images

The patient administration system is one of the most critical foundational digital systems for individual hospitals or broader hospital jurisdictions. It is also the foundation for the ongoing evolution of broader clinical systems. The criticality of its function, the workflows it enables and the benefits of achieving seamless workforce adoption are frequently underestimated. Overlooking this often results in many years of disruption to broader digital and clinical programs, suboptimal efficiency, revenue and cashflow impacts, and workforce dissatisfaction.

At Dedalus, we remain dedicated to empowering healthcare providers in Australia and New Zealand with cutting-edge solutions that streamline patient administration, promote better outcomes, and drive the industry forward. With over 252 hospital implementations, Dedalus' webPAS provides absolute confidence that your PAS foundation is deep, broad, and proven.

Be it opening a new hospital, either public or private, in Australia or New Zealand, needing to replace legacy PAS functionality or a need to focus on your broader clinical strategy, webPAS provides assurance the foundation of your plans will simply work.

With webPAS proven across statewide single instance (multi-campus) public hospital implementations, large multi-facility private hospital groups, and standalone private hospitals, scalability is undisputed. 

The recent deployment of webPAS under public cloud-delivered managed application services provides even greater levels of scalability, security, and agility for your PAS foundation. In the Central North Island MidCentral, Whanganui and Wairarapa, in New Zealand, they moved their webPAS into the cloud to improve availability and security and simplify the support model.

While in many cases in ANZ today, webPAS resides beside competitor clinical and EMR systems, it is also the strategic foundation of Dedalus' unique clinical proposition providing organisations a path to either our Pragmatic Clinicals or full EMR solution.

Key features of webPAS:     

As little or as much as you needWhether you need core PAS functionality alone, or broader waitlist, medical records, theatre, emergency, outpatient, community, billing, claiming, legislative reporting or even clinical resources, webPAS has ANZ’s deepest and broadest capability.

Pragmatic Clinicals - Provide your VMOs and clinicians via their mobile devices, a secure, auditable, clinical module allowing clinical staff to better manage vital patient data, improve quality of care, save time, and increase workflow efficiency.

Billing and Claims ManagementStreamlined billing and claims management facilitate faster, automated reimbursement cycles and reduce administrative burdens on healthcare facilities.

Interoperability - webPAS already integrates with major ANZ digital infrastructure and clinical systems, with increasing FHIR resources available to foster interoperability and data exchange among different systems and providers. 

Tailored User Experiences - Extend your existing webPAS deployment with tailored use experiences specifically designed for patients and clinicians. Deliver previously unseen, mobile-ready functionality for such areas as outpatient scheduling, pre-admission management and clinician mobility directly into their hands.

Legislative Reporting - The richest suite of Australian State/Federal and NZ legislative reporting requirements available out of the box.

Cloud Delivered/Managed Application - Benefit quickly from webPAS knowing that requirements related to infrastructure provision, cyber security and software upgrades are all taken care of.

With unparalleled user adoption and familiarity throughout ANZ, it is highly likely that many of your workforce will already have webPAS experience, further assuring the adoption of your PAS foundation.

To make an appointment for a webPAS demonstration or to speak to one of our webPAS professionals, reach us here.

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