IRF QRP AIF Table for Reporting Assessment-Based QM and Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements and Data Collection and Final Submission Deadlines Affecting FY 2025

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

An update to the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Quality Reporting Program (QRP) Annual Increase Factor (AIF) Table for Reporting Assessment-Based quality measures (QMs) and standardized patient assessment data elements to CMS is now available. This document has been updated to reflect the data elements that will be required to meet the AIF minimum data completion threshold for FY 2025. Additionally, an update to the IRF QRP Data Collection and Final Submission Deadlines for the FY 2025 IRF QRP is available. This document has been updated to reflect the data collection and final submission deadlines required to meet the AIF minimum data completion threshold for FY 2025.

The IRF QRP AIF Table can be accessed via the Downloads section of the IRF QRP Measures Information webpage.  The IRF QRP Data Collection and Final Submission Deadlines can be accessed via the Downloads section of the IRF QRP Data Submission Deadlines webpage.

The direct links to these documents are: