FY2023 ICD-10 codes for MDS V3.00.1 (FINAL) Data Submission Specifications Posted

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

CMS posted an updated PDPM ICD Codes database for the MDS V3.00.1 (FINAL) Data Specifications is now available for download under the Downloads section at the bottom of this webpage.  The database contains two new tables.  The table pdpm_icd_codes_FY2023 contains the allowed FY2023 codes for I0020B, while table pdpm_icd_codes_2_FY2023 contains FY2023 codes that can also be used in I0020B for states that opt in to calculating PDPM on standalone OBRA assessments.

The direct link to that database is here.

When the database opens, you’ll need to enable the content.  To the left, you’ll see:

Be sure to access the FY2023 code specs. Note that I have bolded and italicized the last sentence of the 1st paragraph above. That verbiage explains the use of the 2_FY2023 table vs. the FY2023 table (highlighted at bottom directly above).

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