Changes in Ownership of Skilled Nursing Facilities from 2016 to 2021: Variations by Geographic Location and Quality 

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

“Newly released CMS skilled nursing facilities (SNF) Change of Ownership data (CHOW) data allows for a better understanding of how the nursing home ownership financial structures are changing. A total of 3,258 SNFs have been sold since 2016. Roughly 3.5% of skilled nursing facilities are sold in the US each year since then. Data also shows that more than 30% of SNFs in Utah, Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, and Maryland had a change in ownership since 2016. Lastly, more SNFs with lower overall quality ratings were more likely to be sold.”

I think you’ll find the 10-page ASPE Changes in Ownership of Skilled Nursing Facilities from 2016 – 2021: Variations by Geographic Location and Quality report to be an interesting read. The report is dated July 7, 2022.

Be sure to review the report and the various charts detailing the changes in ownership. Here are just 2 of those charts: