Association Between Wages and Nursing Staff Turnover in Iowa Nursing Homes

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

“Nursing staff turnover is a substantial concern for nursing homes that care for millions of older individuals, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Low pay is considered as one of the key reasons for high turnover. However, we do not know whether increasing wages can lead to lower turnover. In this study, we fill this gap in our understanding by analyzing the relationship between wages and nursing staff turnover.”

The Association Between Wages and Nursing Staff Turnover in Iowa Nursing Homes study was conducted by Hari Sharma, PhD and Lili Xu, MS of the Department of Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.  The manuscript was published in   Innovation in Aging on February 5, 2022. Click on the PDF icon beneath the title of the abstract (hyperlink in 1st sentence of this paragraph) to view the entire 25-page document.

Interesting read and certainly food for thought and action as we move forward through this pandemic/PHE in an effort to reduce staff turnover in our LTC facilities.