MDS ASAP Update Effective 10/1/2022

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

On September 24 2022, a minor update to the MDS ASAP system will occur.  Items included in this release include:

* Update to the list of ICD-10 codes allowable in item I0020B for PPS and stand-alone OBRAs as of 10/1/2022.  The list of allowable codes for I0020B are found on the MDS Technical Information Page, link below, based on the target date of the assessment.

* Implementation of the MDS Errata V3.00.8 issues 18 and 19, which correctly maps APU discharge items to edit -3908.

* Integrating the Java based version of the PDPM JAR v2.1000.  This update to the MDS ASASP system will be effective as of 9/24/2022. The new version of the PDPM incorporates ICD-10 code updates for FY 2023. This grouper code works for all assessments with a target date of 10/1/2019 or greater.

Please go to the MDS Technical Information page and implement version 2.1000 of the PDPM.  Failure to update the PDPM version to 2.1000 as of 9/24/2022 will result in a warning code error -3935b: Incorrect RUG/PDPM Version: The submitted value of the RUG/PDPM version does not match the value calculated by the QIES ASAP System.

Check with your EHR vendor to make sure they’re aware of this update.