MDS 3.0 Frequency Report – 4th Quarter 2021 Available Now

Mary Madison, RN, RAC-CT, CDP 
Clinical Consultant – Briggs Healthcare

I don’t believe I’ve blogged on these reports in the past, but I have accessed and used them often (e.g., research).   You may find them interesting as well. 

The MDS 3.0 Frequency Report summarizes information for active residents currently in nursing homes. The source of these counts is the resident’s MDS assessment record. The MDS assessment information for each active nursing home resident is consolidated to create a profile of the most recent standard information for the resident.

The active resident information represents a composite of MDS items taken from the active nursing home episode for a resident. An episode represents care in one nursing home and consists of one or more stays (contiguous days in the nursing home). Stays separated by temporary discharges are linked together to form an episode. An episode begins with an admission entry record, may include one or more brief (30 day or less) gaps outside of the facility, and ends with either a discharge with return to the nursing home not anticipated, or a gap of more than 30 days outside of the nursing home. An episode is active if the last record is not a discharge and no more than 150 days have passed since the last record. The MDS items are taken from all types of MDS records with the most recent value in the episode being taken for each item. Only values from the last 440 days are used for all items, except items from the initial admission record. Different items may come from different assessments. Different items may come from different stays within the episode. The intention is to create a profile with the most recent standard information for an active resident, regardless of source of information.

Items used from a quarterly or PPS assessment are limited to the federally required items. Additional items added to the quarterly or PPS assessment by a specific state are ignored. This insures comparability among states.

Scroll down this landing page to find:

Note the drop down behind Select report date.  Currently every quarter from the past ten years is available for inspection: Fourth Quarter 2011 -> Fourth Quarter 2021.

For this example, I selected A0800 and received this data (from all 50 states as well as a national total):

Another example:

In addition to the MDS items, the age of the resident in LTCFs is displayed at the very end of the items.  Here’s what I found for 4th quarter 2021 for that item: