Milestone in MIPS journey: You can Access MIPS 2022 Final Score Preview Now!

Milestone in MIPS journey: You can Access MIPS 2022 Final Score Preview Now!

As an eligible clinician, you pour your heart and soul into participating in the MIPS program. Throughout the reporting phase, you ensure the submission of accurate data for selected measures. Therefore, you dedicate countless hours, to burning the midnight oil, to meet data completeness requirements. Your commitment doesn’t stop there; you also strive to implement best practices for future years. Such relentless efforts form the backbone of the MIPS reporting framework. So, today, we bring you exciting news from MIPS 2022 reporting. After the completion of the performance period, the clinicians are excitingly waiting for their scores. This scoring will affect their payment adjustment in the CY 2024.

Breaking News for Providers: MIPS 2022 Final Score Preview Available Now!

So, all healthcare providers, it’s the moment you all have been eagerly waiting for. Now, you have access to MIPS 2022 Final Score. CMS has just announced the opening of Preview Period for MIPS reporting final score. Therefore, waste no time and hurry to access your final scoring preview.

[Remember, this preview score for MIPS reporting is not final yet. CMS may make modifications in it later, if required]

Significance of Final Score Preview

The final score preview is a crucial turning point for MIPS participants’ reporting journey. It provides priceless information on how you previously performed in MIPS. You may thus estimate the anticipated payment adjustment for the next year thanks to it. Additionally, it offers important guidance on strategies to boost reimbursement potential.

A Brief Guide to Accessing the MIPS Final Score Preview

Prior to starting the process of anticipating your 2022 scores, it is crucial to address a few crucial issues. Let’s dive in and see what those checkpoints are?

Check 1: Check Your HARP Account

Make sure you have an HCQIS Authorized Roles and Profile (HARP) account before beginning the procedure. This account is necessary for MIPS participants to access their organization on the official QPP website. If you do not have an account, it’s the right time for you. Make a HARP account, then request access right now. After approval, you may simply go on to the next procedures.

If you already have an account, log in using the same credentials you used during the submission period on the QPP website. These credentials were used for submitting and accessing MIPS data in the past. This time, after logging in, they will provide you access to see your performance feedback.

Check 2: Ensure Browser Compatibility

The CMS prioritizes security above all else in light of the rise in cyberattacks on healthcare systems. The federal government has required a security update to reduce risks and adhere to HIPAA and other requirements. So, for you to browse the QPP website successfully, you must have a CMS-supported version of Chrome or Microsoft Edge. It is useless to try to visit the website using any other browser. Update your browser to the most recent versions of Microsoft Edge or Chrome. Simply, ensure compatibility and your problem will be solved quickly.

Step-by-Step Guide for MIPS Final Score Preview

Now that you’ve met the requirements, let’s look at how to acquire the MIPS Final Score Preview. According on your role, the steps may vary:

For ACO’s QPP Security Officials and QPP Staff Users

It is simple to get the preview if you are a member of one of the Medicare Shared Savings Program ACOs or have a QPP Staff User contact in the ACO Management System (ACO-MS). Use your ACO-MS login information (username and password) to access the QPP website.

For MIPS Participants (Individuals, Groups, Virtual Groups, or APM Entities)

To get the MIPS 2022 Final Score Preview, healthcare providers subject to MIPS can follow the steps below:

  • Visit the webpage for the CMS Quality Payment Program.
  • Use your login information to access the QPP portal.
  • Go to the “MIPS Performance Feedback” area in the left-hand navigation pane.
  • Choose 2022 as the reporting year.
  • Make sure you understand and agree that the previewed scores might change before continuing.
  • Get a preview of your final score.


That’s all about the MIPS 2022 final score preview period. Please feel free to get in touch with us via the comment box below if you have any queries or need clarification. Our MIPS consulting services team is here to help you and make sure you fully comprehend the MIPS final regulation. Stay connected with us to get the most recent updates. Let’s use MIPS to its full potential to advance healthcare excellence.

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